ERP and CRM Software In Pakistan
With its modular approach, Nizi Solutions accounting software and ERP provides the option of purchasing the entire ERP and CRM software or selecting certain ERP and CRM system components based on your business cycle requirements. Furthermore, we offer the possibility of comprehensive customisation, which is typically not available with traditional accounting software in Pakistan. The following are the detailed features of ERP and CRM software.
Discover the most affordable and the best ERP and CRM software in Islamabad Pakistan, made to improve your daily work, increase efficiency, and take your business to the next level. This user friendly cloud-based solution is more than just an cloud application, it’s a smart assistant that fits your company’s needs perfectly.
ERP and CRM Software Services is a modern software package to manage your company or foundation’s activity (CRM & Sales, Human Relationship Management (HR), CMS, Website, POS, Product & Stock, Finance & Billing, Marketing, Productivity, Integration, Development, contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda, accounting, …).
Nizi Solutions offers an integrated Accounting Finance ERP and CRM Software System Open Source providing comprehensive, consistent Accounting Finance ERP and CRM Software Services Management Software and monitoring procedures. The system consists of two integrated modules:
Management as the core module designed to facilitate comprehensive Accounting Finance Management Software system open source for Accounting Finance POS Purchasing Inventory Warehousing Manufacturing Fixed Assets Dimensions Bank Account General Ledger to Payroll Human Resource and insurance with other requirements.
The accounting and finance module is supplementary and ideal for monitoring building work, accounting finance, repairs, property conversions, and so on.
Determining all the necessities, Nizi Solutions gives you the solution for Accounting Finance POS Purchasing Inventory Warehousing Manufacturing Fixed Assets Dimensions Bank Account General Ledger Payroll Human Resource Management Software System Open Source including following features:
Features that our ERP and CRM | Accounting Finance Management System includes
Main Application
Third-Parties Management
- Customers Management
- Prospects (Leads) Management
- Suppliers Management
- Contacts Management
- Members or Membership Management
- Foundation Management
Product Management
- Products and/or Services catalogue
- Stock / Warehouse management + Inventory
- Barcodes
- Batches / Lots / Serials
- Product Variants
- Bill of Materials (BOM)
- Manufacturing Orders (MO)
Customer/Sales Management
- Customers/Prospects + Contacts management
- Opportunities or Leads management
- Commercial proposals management (online signing)
- Customer Orders management
- Contracts/Subscription management
- Interventions management
- Ticket System
- Shipping management
- Customer Invoices/Credit notes and payment management
- Point of Sale (POS)
Supplier/Purchase Management
- Suppliers/Vendors + Contacts
- Supplier (price) requests
- Purchase Orders management
- Delivery/Reception
- Supplier Invoices/credit notes and payment management
Finance/Accounting Management
- Invoices/Payments
- Bank accounts management
- Direct debit and Credit transfer management (European SEPA)
- Accounting management
- Donations management
- Loan management
- Margins
- Reports
- Shared calendar/agenda (with ical and vcal import/export for third party tools integration)
- Projects & Tasks management
- Ticket System
- Surveys
Other application/modules
- Electronic Document Management (EDM)
- Bookmarks
- Reporting
- Data export/import
- Barcodes
- LDAP connectivity
- ClickToDial integration
- Mass emailing
- RSS integration
- Social platforms linking
- Payment platforms integration (PayPal, Stripe, Paybox…)
- Email-Collector
HR - Human Resources Management
- Employee leave management
- Expense reports
- Recruitment management
- Employee/staff management
- Time-sheets
Most Common Features
- Customers/Suppliers/Contacts management
- Products/Service catalog
- Commercial proposals
- Orders
- Invoices and payments
- Stock management
- Agenda
- Bank management
- Point of Sale
- Mass E-mailing
- Import/Export
- Leave requests
- Expense reports
CMS, Website, POS


Product & Stock


Integration, Development


Finance & Billing


Other general features
- Multi-Language Support (Localization in most major languages)
- Multi-users and groups with finely-grained rights
- Multi-Currency
- Multi-Company (by adding an external module)
- Very user-friendly and easy to use
- Customizable dashboards
- Highly customizable: enable only the modules you need, add user personalized fields, choose your skin, several menu managers (can be used by internal users as a back-office with a particular menu, or by external users as a front-office with another one)
- Code that is easy to understand, maintain and develop (PHP with no heavy framework; trigger and hook architecture)
- Support a lot of country-specific features:
- Spanish Tax RE and IRPF
- French NPR VAT rate (VAT called “Non Perçue Récupérable” for DOM-TOM)
- Canadian double taxes (federal/province) and other countries using cumulative VAT
- Tunisian tax stamp
- Argentina invoice numbering using A,B,C…
- Greece fetch customer vat details from AADE, all invoice types, MyData(external free module)
- ZATCA e-invoicing QR-Code
- Compatible with European directives (2006/112/CE … 2010/45/UE)
- Compatible with data privacy rules (Europe’s GDPR, …)
- Flexible PDF & ODT generation for invoices, proposals, orders…
Other general features
- Access Controls/Permissions
- Accounting
- Accounting Integration
- Activity Dashboard
- Activity Tracking
- Alerts/Notifications
- Approval Process Control
- Automatic Billing
- Bank Reconciliation
- Billing & Invoicing
- Billing Portal
- Bills of Material
- Calendar Management
- Calendar/Reminder System
- Cataloging/Categorization
- Categorization/Grouping
- Client Management
- Client Portal
- Commenting/Notes
- Completion Tracking
- Contact Database
- Contact Management
- Contract/License Management
- Customer Database
- Customizable Fields
- Customizable Templates
- Data Import/Export
- Deferred Billing
- Digital Signature
- Discount Management
- Document Management
- Document Storage
- Drag & Drop
- Email Management
- Email Marketing
- Email Templates
- Employee Management
- Expense Claims
- Expense Tracking
- Field Sales Management
- General Ledger
- HR Management
- Hourly Billing
- Inventory Management
- Inventory Tracking
- Invoice Creation
- Invoice History
- Invoice Management
- Invoice Processing
- Lead Capture
- Lead Distribution
- Lead Generation
- Lead Management
- Lead Qualification
- Lead Segmentation
- Marketing Automation
- Mobile Access
- Mobile Receipt Upload
- Multi-Currency
- Multi-Location
- Multi-Period Recurring Billing
- Online Invoicing
- Opportunity Management
- Order Entry
- Order Management
- Order Tracking
- Payment Processing
- Point of Sale (POS)
- Price/Margin Management
- Pricing Management
- Pricing and Cost Calculations
- Project Billing
- Project Management
- Project Time Tracking
- Proposal Generation
- Prospecting Tools
- Purchase Order Management
- Purchasing & Receiving
- Purchasing Reports
- Quotes/Estimates
- Real-Time Data
- Real-Time Reporting
- Receipt Management
- Recurring Invoicing
- Recurring/Subscription Billing
- Reimbursement Management
- Reminders
- Reporting & Statistics
- Reporting/Analytics
- Requisition Management
- Resource Management
- Sales Reports
- Sales Tax Management
- Search/Filter
- Segmentation
- Serial Number Tracking
- Shipping Management
- Source Tracking
- Sourcing Management
- Spend Management
- Status Tracking
- Stock Management
- Subscription Management
- Supplier Management
- Task Management
- Tax Management
- Team Assignments
- Template Management
- Third-Party Integrations
- Time & Expense Tracking
- Time-sheet Management
- Transaction History
- User Management
- Vendor Management
- Vendor Payment
- Warehouse Management
- Web Forms
- Web-based Deployment