Content Management System
Content Management System (CMS) is a straightforward method of dealing with the content of your site. NiziSolutions is among the notable Content Management System advancement organizations in Islamabad, Pakistan. We have broad involvement with dynamic CMS item advancement that assists you with making, add, alter, eliminate, and update information and empowers to oversee limitless pages of content to distribute in the electronic system. It additionally helps you that you can undoubtedly refresh and afterward republish it on the off chance that a few alterations required abruptly.
It allows you to manage the work process in a common space; subsequently assisting you with controlling and screen the content inside your CMS item with no high level specialized preparing or mastery.
Deciding every one of the necessities, Nizi Solutions CMS advancement organization in Islamabad furnishes content management system with the accompanying elements:
General Features:
- Responsive Design
- Custom Designing and Development
- DIV Based Publishing
- SEO friendly URL’s
- Contact us form with auto email
- URL Rewriting
- Google SiteMap
- Visitor Counter
- Social Media Integration (FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter) etc
- Administrative Control Panel
- Menu Management with unlimited pages
- News/Event Management
- Team Management
- Projects Management (Current, Old and upcoming)
- Download/Financial Reports Management
- Picture Gallery Management
- Video Gallery Management
- Related Links
- Success Story Management
- FAQ’s Management
- News Letter Management
- Feedback Form
- Products management
- Services management