technical, web development and mobile app development trainings

Full Stack Engineer Training Course

A full-stack engineer can get a project done from start to finish, back-end to front-end.

Includes JavaScriptNode.JSSQLExpress.JSReactTDD, and more.


  • Welcome to the Full-Stack Engineer Career Path!
  • Overview of Web Development
    Get an overview of the field of web development to understand what you’ll be studying.
  • Fundamentals of HTML
    Learn to build a structure for a website using HTML.
  • Fundamentals of CSS
    Learn how to apply styles to HTML documents using CSS.
  • Developing Websites Locally
    Get acquainted with text editors and Chrome DevTools to develop websites locally.
  • Deploying Websites
    Learn how to deploy websites using GitHub Pages and the command line.
  • Improved Styling with CSS
    Explore intermediate topics in CSS to customize styles and implement navigation elements.
  • Making a Website Responsive
    Learn how to utilize responsive web design practices using CSS grid, flexbox, and media queries.
  • JavaScript Syntax, Part I
    Use JavaScript to create basic programs that can store and manipulate various types of data.
  • JavaScript Syntax, Part II
    Explore JavaScript to create more complex programs using arrays, loops, objects, and iterators.
  • Git and GitHub, Part I
    Explore Git and GitHub to version-control your programs.
  • Portfolio Project: JavaScript Syntax
    Build a Node.js console app that generates random messages each time a user runs the program and version your project with Git/GitHub.
  • Building Interactive Websites
    Implement JavaScript to add interactive experiences to a website.
  • Making A Website Accessible
    Get acquainted with the best accessibility (a11y) practices to ensure that your websites are usable to everyone.
  • Portfolio Project: Personal Portfolio Website
    Bring together what you have learned in the previous lessons and build a project off of Nizi Solutions.
  • JavaScript Syntax, Part III
    Level up your JavaScript by learning how to implement classes, modules, and error handling.
  • JavaScript Testing
    Learn various JavaScript testing methodologies, such as Test-Driven Development (TDD), using Mocha and Chai.
  • Async JavaScript and HTTP Requests
    Learn about APIs (application programming interfaces). Working with APIs will enable you to work with data stored on remote servers.
  • Web Apps
    Be introduced to web applications and learn about single-page applications (SPAs) and how they are different from static websites.
  • React, Part I
    Be introduced to React, a popular JavaScript library, to build scalable front-ends for your website through the creation of components.
  • React, Part II
    Dive further into React and learn about props, states, and hooks, as well as testing with Jest and Enzyme.
  • Redux
    Learn how to manage React application’s states with Redux.
  • Git and GitHub, Part II
    Learn how to collaborate on a project using Git and GitHub through forking, branching, merging conflicts, and making pull requests.
  • Portfolio Project: Reddit Client
    Bring together what you have learned in the previous lessons and build a project off of Nizi Solutions.
  • Introduction to Back-End
    Start learning about back-end development and programming servers.
  • Build a backend with Express.js
    Learn about the popular back-end environment, Node.js and how to create back-end servers and APIs in JavaScript using the popular Express.js
  • User Authentication and Authorization
    Learn how to protect your resources with authorization and authentication techniques.
  • Back-End and Feature Testing
    Learn about TDD techniques for full-stack web applications.
  • Database Basics
    Get acquainted with the concept of databases and how they help store, retrieve, and manipulate data.
  • Working with Databases
    Learn how to craft more sophisticated SQL queries and calculations to build data-intensive applications.
  • Designing Relational Databases
    Learn how to design relational databases that you can then implement in PostgreSQL.
  • Advanced PostgreSQL
    Learn about database performance and techniques for efficiently accessing data and maintaining optimal performance.
  • Adding a PostgreSQL Database
    Much of the internet is the flow of information. Learn how databases store data so that it can be displayed on the web using PostgreSQL.
  • API Development with Swagger and Open API
    Learn how to develop APIs using Swagger tooling and the Open API specification.
  • Portfolio Project: E-Commerce App (REST API)
    Build an e-commerce REST API using Node/Express and PostgreSQL.
  • Connecting Front-End to Back-End
    Learn about the different ways to combine your front-end and back-end systems to create a cohesive, full-stack application.
  • Deploying Web Applications
    Use Render to deploy full-stack applications.
  • Web Security Fundamentals
    Learn intermediate concepts in web security and look at prevention techniques for common threats.
  • Data Security
    Learn to secure your data using Transport Layer Security (TLS), Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and more!
  • Common Attacks on Web Applications
    Explore the common threats that web applications face and how to mitigate them.
  • Fundamentals of Operating Systems
    Learn about operating systems by taking a deep dive into each of their main functionalities.
  • DevOps Fundamentals
    Learn the fundamentals of DevOps, a culture supported by practices and tools.
  • Portfolio Project: E-Commerce App (Client)
    Expand the e-commerce REST API with a React client app, creating a PERN (Postgres, Express, React, Node) full-stack e-commerce experience.
  • What To Expect in a Technical Interview
    Know what to expect when interviewing for engineering jobs.
  • Linear Data Structures
    Begin interview preparation by learning the fundamentals of linear data structures.
  • Complex Data Structures
    Continue interview preparation by learning advanced applications of data structures.
  • Algorithms
    Continue interview preparation by learning the fundamentals of algorithms.
  • Search and Graph Search Algorithms
    Continue interview preparation by learning the fundamentals of search algorithms.
  • Interview Skills
    Review some key technical interview topics as well as soft skills that employers are looking for in potential candidates.
  • Portfolio Project: Open-Ended PERN App
    Build a PERN app of your choosing and deploy it to Heroku.
  • Next Steps in Your Full-Stack Engineer Journey
    Complete the final unit of the Full-Stack Career Path.

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