Property Management software

Property Dealer SoftwareOnline Property Dealer Management Software

Our electronic Property Dealer Software requires no downloads or CD’s to introduce, and all updates are done consequently. On the off chance that you have a cell phone with web capacity, your office can be versatile!

The core of our software is the Rent Roll page, which means entering occupant installments, messaging explanations and reports, seeing inhabitant notes, featuring any inhabitant for following purposes, moving inhabitants in or out, and printing day by day bank store slips are just snaps away.

as a best best software house, we offer the best property dealer software in Lahore Karachi Islamabad Pakistan.

We endeavor to give magnificent client assistance and ceaselessly add new elements to our software dependent on part input. These are a portion of the top reasons property supervisors pick us. Investigate our reasonable Pricing Plan.

We make it simple to begin and make more benefit from your investment properties. Check us out and see why we are extraordinary compared to other Property Dealer Software projects, and why we rate exceptionally in online property management software audits.

Property Dealer Management System (Property Rental Management System) Features

Properties Management

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Condo/town home
  • Multi Family
  • Single family
  • Stores
  • Offices
  • Shops

Applicants & Tenants Management

  • Applicant
  • Tenant
  • Previous Tenant

Applications/Leases Management

  • Application
  • Lease
  • Historical Lease
  • Fixed Lease
  • Leased Fixed With Rollover
  • Lease AT-Will

Leases Management

  • Leases Starting
  • Leases Ending
Land Lords/Property Owner management
  • System Management
  • Property management
  • Applicant Management
  • Tenant Management
Unit Management
  • Occupied Unit
  • Listed Unit
  • Unlisted Unit
Summery Reports
  • Applications and Tenants by status
  • Applications/Leases Overtime
  • Applications/Leases By property
  • Leases By Property Overtime
  • Leases Value By Property Overtime

Pick a Plan That Works for You

Plan I
$50 / Month
or $400 Billed yearly


– Free Unlimited Diskspace(Hosting)

– Unlimited Bandwidth

– Free Support & Maintenance

– Free Setup

– $1 per extra User

Plan II
$100 / Month
or $800 Billed yearly


– Free Unlimited Diskspace(Hosting)

– Unlimited Bandwidth

– Free Support & Maintenance

– Free Setup

– $1 per extra User

Plan III
$200 / Month
or $1400 Billed yearly


– Free Unlimited Diskspace(Hosting)

– Unlimited Bandwidth

– Free Support & Maintenance

– Free Setup

– $1 per extra User

Unlimited Users License


– Looking for a bigger plan?

– or custom solution?

– Complete Project with Source Code

Property Rental Management software

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